A'ight, So we're back. After a few months we're back on this dusty site we call blogger sooooo let's get right into the topic
So! I will be talking about the game idea that our group (Me and Connor) have decided to be as our final game. The idea we chose was idea number 1. Idea number one titled "Kodai no Tatakai". It is Japanese for battles of the ancients.
Here is a link to the 'Padlet' me and Connor created for our ideas and mind map: https://padlet.com/HawkBoi/GameIdeas
Why did I chose game one over the other four ideas? You would more than likely say it was because of how much detail I went in to and though that plays a part of it, the main reason to why we chose this idea to be as our main idea is because I had actually been thinking recently about a TDM styled game and we thought "How do we implement TDM into a Big trouble in little china themed game?" and then I had the idea of samurais as in big trouble in little china, you can see samurai in the film. As well, the samurai will have this thing called ancient powers so the magic aspect from the movie can be applied.
With Game one, once we had decided to chose that game over the other three games, we initially said that it was going to be the game we use as I was- and still am quite passionate about it due to the detail I went in to. With the game, I thought about how we can balance the teams, how much damage the weapons will do, do any of the classes being used have buffs?, is the game overall unique? We went all in on this when writing about this so overall we have decided to set our aim, on making the game that we call "Kodai no Tatakai".
The reason to why we didn't go ahead and actually do any of the the other games was that the TDM styled game "Kodai no Tatakai" just really stuck out to us. The other three games were all story based and one of our concerns is that most people would be doing a story tailored game and we want our game to stick out and be different. We've even gone as far to possibly make the game a LAN game or even online if we get it published.
Why didn't we chose Game two? Game two was a story we had written previously. none of the other game ideas we wrote up had names so we'll be calling them by their respective game idea number. Game two was set in a war torn city of Japan and it was about two big clans that wore coloured armour were fighting each other. It was a very modern kind of samurai clan war game. It was originally planned to be exaggerated but we kinda lost interest in the game after we brainstormed further for other ideas. We still like this idea just we don't want to make something and then think of an idea much better than the one we originally planned to do.
Game three was written by Connor whilst I wrote up Game one. Game three is a Horror game set in a town at midnight, the initial idea was to have some teens messing around with some monster getting accidentally summoned and causing havoc across the city. The aspects we took from big trouble in little china for this was the whole black magic concept- voodoo if you wish. This idea slowly got boring however as it seemed to cliche.
Game four was just a small idea I came up with, It started as a joke but I wrote it down as if we were to come back to this, could be an alright game if we were to develop it more. The games idea was that there were three boss battles, these bosses were ninjas that possessed elemental powers and that they were trying to ruin the world with their combined elements. The idea is kinda cliche but if it was to have a better developed backstory and such, it could be an alright game. The reason why we didn't chose this one was due to it not being developed enough in terms of detail and that it would be a rather short game. It did stand out a bit and was a unique idea at that but it just feel like it would do very well if it was ever to be released.
Layz2's Gaming Dev Blog
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Monday, 30 January 2017
sound for computer games
Unit 73: Sound for computer games
P1 – Game mood and atmosphere
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWh9l8RSkPk : Halo 3
ODST ost: Track 04 – Rain
This piece
of music is generally quite a neutral but somewhat partially sad due to the
fact that it is a soundtrack which reminds me of an abandoned city with little
to no hope left. In Halo 3 ODST, it is set during the events of Halo 2 in a
city known as New Mombasa which is under attack by the covenant. You are
deployed within the city but get scattered from your squad.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svdR8_w1N0Y : Halo 2
ost: Blow me away
soundtrack is played during halo 2 roughly about three quarters of the way to
end as you chase down the prophet of truth as the master chief and it is played
when you enter a room full of enemies, this is a piece of music which makes you
feel ‘Badass’ whilst fighting as this music gives off the impression that you
NEED to beat these enemies to save the human race.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wgq5D1IeHcI : Star
wars the old republic: Main Theme
This theme
is what I would call fighting music and the music slowly but gradually builds
up and gets more intense to symbolise that the battle has started and you have
to keep fighting to protect what is rightfully yours and for the republic!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVjCZZWnKBA :
Battlefield Bad Company: Main theme
Bad Company’s main theme is both a noble theme and a heroic theme as to me it
pictures soldiers fighting for the good of the world whilst tackling the fierce
enemies that wish to turn it evil.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB6_phG0fuA : Metro
2033: Ending Theme
The Metro
2033 ending theme is quite a sad theme because to me it reminds of the sort of
music you would hear within a last stand or music that means you must stay
behind to save others and that there is no other way. Quite a noble piece of
music with a nice smooth tone to it.
Music and
sound are important within games because playing games allow us to immerse
ourselves within a virtual world and the way music and sound actually sound
really affects the way we play games

Foley: Foley is a technique used by the entertainment
industry (mostly films, TV shows and games) to represent sound in a better way.
For example, if the company needed a walking sound, they’d record someone
walking and edit it slightly to fit the film or game.
Timbre: Timbre is essentially the quality of a sound through
its independent pitch and loudness.
Monday, 16 January 2017
Unit 73 - game mood and atmosphere
Unit 73: Sound for computer games
P1 – Game mood and atmosphere
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWh9l8RSkPk : Halo 3
ODST ost: Track 04 – Rain
This piece of
music is generally quite a neutral but somewhat partially sad due to the fact
that it is a soundtrack which reminds me of an abandoned city with little to no
hope left. In Halo 3 ODST, it is set during the events of Halo 2 in a city
known as New Mombasa which is under attack by the covenant. You are deployed
within the city but get scattered from your squad.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svdR8_w1N0Y : Halo 2
ost: Blow me away
soundtrack is played during halo 2 roughly about three quarters of the way to
end as you chase down the prophet of truth as the master chief and it is played
when you enter a room full of enemies, this is a piece of music which makes you
feel ‘Badass’ whilst fighting as this music gives off the impression that you
NEED to beat these enemies to save the human race.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wgq5D1IeHcI : Star
wars the old republic: Main Theme
This theme
is what I would call fighting music and the music slowly but gradually builds
up and gets more intense to symbolise that the battle has started and you have
to keep fighting to protect what is rightfully yours and for the republic!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVjCZZWnKBA :
Battlefield Bad Company: Main theme
Bad Company’s main theme is both a noble theme and a heroic theme as to me it
pictures soldiers fighting for the good of the world whilst tackling the fierce
enemies that wish to turn it evil.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB6_phG0fuA : Metro
2033: Ending Theme
The Metro
2033 ending theme is quite a sad theme because to me it reminds of the sort of
music you would hear within a last stand or music that means you must stay
behind to save others and that there is no other way. Quite a noble piece of
music with a nice smooth tone to it.
Music and
sound are important within games because playing games allow us to immerse ourselves
within a virtual world and the way music and sound actually sound really
affects the way we play games
Waveform: Is the visual
representation of piece3 of music shown in lines going up or down.
Foley: Foley is a technique used by the entertainment
industry (mostly films, TV shows and games) to represent sound in a better way.
For example, if the company needed a walking sound, they’d record someone
walking and edit it slightly to fit the film or game.
Timbre: Timbre is essentially the quality of a sound through
its independent pitch and loudness.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Kurt Russel as Jack Burton – Main Protagonist
Kim Cattral as Gracie Law – Companion/Sidekick
Dennis Dun as Wang Chi – Main Protagonist/Sidekick
James Hong as David Lo Pan – Main Antagonist
Victor Wong as Egg Shen – Companion/Sidekick
Carter Wong as
Thunder – Henchman
Peter Kwong
as Rain – Henchman
James Pax as
Lightning – Henchman
Truck driver Jack Burton wins a bet against
his restaurant owner friend Wang Chi, and accompanies him to the airport to go
and pick up Wang's Chinese fiancée Miao Yin to make sure he honours the payment
that he promised. A Chinese street gang, known as the Lords of Death, tries to
kidnap another Chinese girl at the airport who is being met by her friend
Gracie Law, intending to sell her as a sex slave. After Jack intervenes, they
take Miao Yin instead. In Jack's big-rig truck, he and Wang track the Lords of
Death to the back alleys of Chinatown, where they find a funeral procession
that quickly erupts into a street fight between the Chang Sing and Wing Kong,
two ancient Chinese societies. When "The Three Storms" - Thunder,
Rain, and Lightning, mighty warriors with weather-themed powers - appear,
slaughtering the Chang Sing, Jack tries to escape but runs over Lo Pan, a
powerful and legendary sorcerer and the leader of the Wing Kong. Horrified,
Jack exits his truck, but finds Lo Pan entirely unfazed and glowing with
malicious power. Wang hurriedly guides Jack through the alleys; the two escape
the carnage and mayhem, but Jack's truck is stolen.
Wang takes Jack to his restaurant, where they
meet up with Gracie, Wang's friend Eddie Lee, and magician Egg Shen, a local
authority on Lo Pan. They try to explain to an incredulous Jack some of the
ancient knowledge and sorcery the Chinese brought with them to America,
eventually devising a plan to infiltrate a brothel, where they think Miao Yin
is being held. The infiltration effort is moderately successful, but the Storms
interrupt the operation and make off with Miao Yin, taking her to their master
Lo Pan. Jack and Wang track down the front business used by Lo Pan and
impersonate electricians to gain access, but are quickly subdued by Rain. After
being tied up and beaten by Thunder, the two meet Lo Pan - however, he now
appears as a crippled old man. Wang tells Jack that Lo Pan needs a special
green-eyed girl to break an ancient curse, and he intends to sacrifice Miao
Yin. Centuries ago, Lo Pan, a great warrior and even greater wizard, was
defeated in battle by the first sovereign emperor Qin Shi Huang. The Emperor placed upon
Lo Pan the curse of No Flesh. Although Lo Pan can be temporarily granted a
decrepit body by supplication to the gods, in order for him to permanently
break the curse and regain his human form, he must marry a woman with green
eyes. This simple act will appease Ching Dai, the God of the East. But to
satisfy the Emperor, he must sacrifice her. When Jack and Wang's friends
attempt to save them, they are also captured, and Lo Pan notes that Gracie has
green eyes, too. Lo Pan decides to sacrifice Gracie, while making Miao Yin his
unwilling wife. After getting the drop on Thunder, Jack and Wang escape, and
free many women kept in holding cells in the process; a horrible orangutan-like
monster recaptures Gracie before she leaves.
Wang and Jack then go to regroup with the
Chang Sing and Egg Shen, and as a group they enter an underground cavern to
return to Lo Pan's headquarters. Egg pours each of the group a potent potion
that Jack says makes him feel "kind of invincible." During the
wedding ceremony, a huge fight ensues. Jack is largely incapicated during the
battle, first knocking himself out and then getting trapped under an automaton
suit of armour. Wang kills Rain in a sword duel, while Jack and Gracie pair up
and chase the newly-alive Lo Pan. Wang joins them, and just when all seems
lost, Jack kills Lo Pan with a skilful knife throw. Thunder, too distracted by
Wang to prevent his master's death, inflates to an enormous size from
dishonoured fury, finally exploding and killing himself. Jack, Wang, Gracie,
and Miao Yin are cornered by Lightning in a corridor, who triggers a collapse
with his powers. Egg rescues them with a rope and kills Lightning by dropping a
stone Buddha statue on him when he tries to follow. After finding Jack's truck,
the group busts out and escapes back to Wang's restaurant.
The group celebrates their victory in the
restaurant with the rescued women; Wang and Miao prepare to marry, while Eddie
is pairing up with Gracie's journalist friend Margo. Egg sets off on a long-due
vacation - Jack suggests his homeland, but Egg says that China is in the heart.
Jack, presented with a new life with Gracie, instead bids farewell to the group
and hits the open road, not wanting to be tied down. Unbeknownst to him, the orangutan-like
monster survived the battle in the labyrinth and has stowed away on his truck.
Emotional Themes
The theme
of the film is Comedy, Fantasy and Horror. Comedy as the film isn’t exactly to
be taken- Seriously…
proven… It is also a fantasy as it involves supernatural powers being Water,
Electricity and green electricity. Rain, Lightning and thunder
Story Elements – Book or Film.
The film
came first as the book is a comic. It was released in 2014 therefore making the
film first as it was released in 1986.
The main characters relationships and motivations
Jack Burton: One of the main characters, Jack Burton, does not
care about anyone else as he just interested in getting his truck back however
in order to get the money he needs from a bet he won, he tries to save Wang’s fiancĂ©
but ends up getting his truck stolen. You could say that Jack isn’t actually a
hero but a more of a show figure. He acts like a hero but really just doesn’t
Wang Chi: The other main character, Wang Chi, shows more traits of
being a hero as he wishes to save his fiancé from David Lo Pan and actually
fights well against them. His intent is good and doesn’t show off like Jack
does. In the film we also see that Wang is willing to sacrifice himself to save
Jack, Gracie, His fiancé and Egg.
Gracie Law: We first see Gracie Law at the airport trying to
save a friend from a gang who wish to sell her off a sex slave however they
take Wang Chi’s FiancĂ© instead. Gracie law feels bad for Wang so she then
decides to help him out and also getting her friend who is a reporter, a juicy story for her to write up.
David Lo Pan: The Main antagonist, David Lo Pan, Wishes to marry a
women with green eyes to restore his body. His motives are rather evil as he
also wish to sacrifice Gracie to the gods
and marry Wang’s FiancĂ© so that he may become his actual form instead of
being an old man who controls a ghost with powers.
The 3 Storms: The three storms are Thunder, Lightning and Rain. These are the 3 wizards that work for David Lo Pan and aid in his goal of actually becoming human. They seem to not care about those around them but they really insist on doing David lo pans work for him. These are the henchman within the film.
Egg Shen: Egg Shen is like the 3 Storms however uses his powers for good instead of actually using them for evil. His is a companion of Wang and Jack during the film in aiding the rescue of Wang's Fiancé and Gracie Law.
Sunday, 9 October 2016
Games Design level 3
Unit 78: Digital Graphics
Rowan Hawkins-Oldfield
Unit 78: Digital Graphics
Rowan Hawkins-Oldfield
Assignment 1
Computer game assets are used within game design to help create the game. Assets and game assets are completely different. A game asset is something that gets put into a game. There are all sorts of game assets used within computer games and they can range from just textures all the way up to 3D models. Some assets are required to be used in a game where as some can be used in a game as decoration. For example, an asset needed to make a game work is scripts telling the engine how to run the game where as details such as clouds are not necessary to make the game work HOWEVER can be used to help show off the game and make it seem alot nicer with added details and textures to show off what the game developers can do. Game assets can include 2D Sprites, 3D Models, Levels, Areas, Voices, SFX, Music, Key framing, textures, dialogue and pretty much anything that the player is shown through out the game.
When using Computer game assets, you need to think about File extensions, Compression, Optimizing and the storage. File extensions link with Compression as the file extension used depends on the compression used. Some games use the "TIFF" (Tagged Image File Format) due to it being easy to compress and its compression being very small. This allows games to actually compress JPEG's or PNG's to TIFF's which shows a massive difference in file size therefore allowing more game assets to be added to make a massive difference in the game.
Optimization is the process en which you make a file or game asset fully perfect, functional or effective as it can possibly be, for example: Videos being optimized to 1080p. Maximizing the functionality of a game asset allows game developers to make high quality looking games (such as games on next gen consoles or PC).
Storage of image assets. Storage of image assets is storing a game asset so that other people within you game developing company can find your game asset for other usage. For example, Your job is to create a car for level 4 in a game, Once you've made it, you need to pass it on to someone so they can find it and texture it for you. You firstly name it something on the lines of 'level4car.mdl' or 'carlvl4.mdl'. Then you proceed to save it in an easily accessible assets folder (for organisation, you may put it in a level 4 assets folder) and then pass on the pathway to the texture artist.
Now I didn't specify this but some video game developers have been known to use this and edit them in software but some game developers like to use image capture for 2 main reasons. One, So they can use reference for the game they're making, for example, if they were recreating LA, they'd use pictures and main attraction in LA.
However not all games use high spec graphics, Back in the 1950's to the 1980's, Most games were pixel games, 8 bit games that ran in a 2D environment. These sort of games included donkey Kong, pacman, super Mario bros, etc... These games were what started off the gaming industry and made it what it is today as it is the biggest entertainment industry out there. Games using pixels were referred to as the artistic style 'Pixel art' which is a popular genre for its retro styled graphics and the nostalgia it brought to those who used to play donkey Kong and super Mario bros as a kid.
An Artistic style is way a games graphics and assets look. There are 5 main core artistic styles used within video games. Exaggeration, Abstraction, Cell Shading, Photo realism and Pixel.
-Exaggeration is a similar artistic style to that of anime and manga, details are much more visible and everything is a bit over the top not seeming realistic but almost cartoonish. An example for this is the updated final fantasy games or even soul calibur.
Final fantasy 7 was released in 1997 and was the first in the series to show 3D game play, Previous games had also shown the anime art style however Final Fantasy 7 showed it the best. The game gave a great immersion with it being the first 3D game in the series and it's animations added.
Pokemon : Red uses both 2D sprites and 3D isometric sprites, the game mainly consists of 3D isometric entities and such to make the game look better.
-Abstraction is another artistic style that does not show realism but more focus' on polygons and non-polygons, shapes with different colours, tones and textures. A well known game for this art style is tetris.
Tetris really showed players back 'in the day' how games are good things to keep you occupied being one of the first games made, Tetris was fun because of its abstract blocks that you must place down in the smartest place to ensure you can proceed further without touching the top of your screen!
-Cell Shading is a style used very similar to exaggeration but pronounces outlines a bit more with a thick black line. A game that uses this art style is Borderlands or even The Walking Dead.
The walking dead uses cell shading inside the game with making details visible with thick black lines.
-Photo-realism is probably the most common art style used in next gen games to date as photo realism is what it says in the title, they are graphics that look like a realistic photo. There are many examples of this which can include Grand Theft Auto 5, Forza Horizon 3 and battlefield 1.
GTA V Made players actually feel like they were immersed in a world of crime and that you shouldn't trust anyone as they could pull a gun or do a run. Actually being able to call the NPC's human really shows how photo-realistic GTA V is.
The Gaming industry uses 6 (Minimum of 4 normally used) to help create the game that they wish to create. These include Pixel art, Concept art, Texture art, Background graphics, In-game Interface (HUD) and Print media Art. I say that at a minimum of 4 used is because some games don't use Print media art or Pixel art as they are either digital downloaded or is a high graphic 3D game. I have already explained pixel art so we'll start at Concept art.
Concept art is sketches and ideas drawn out for a game to be presented to a publisher OR to get an idea of what the games designers need to make in order to make the game. These sketches are then documented for reference when making the game.
This is a destiny concept art designed by Bungie. Concept art is also used to be submitted to a game published by developers to see if they will support the game and publish it.
Texture art is creating materials in a certain way to give them a nice texture to them. Some people like to use 'normal map' textures with their materials which give a shadow effect to them. Normal maps are then place on top of diffuse map (the material itself).
This image shows us a comparison of a Diffuse Map (Material) next to a Normal Map. These are custom textures and are not game specific.
Background graphics are used as they are said, Graphics placed in the background, These are normally either image captures or edited image captures.
This is uncharted 3, here it shows the difference between background models and background graphics, graphics are more or less put far away or are made to look far away where as models are there to interact with.
In-game interface is what most gamers refer to as the HUD, it shows us information that we need or could use through the game, mission or level. For example, health, ammo, current objective etc...
This is a Halo 5 H.U.D, It shows your shields health, current grenades selected/on your person, a map, cross hair, health, ammo and decorative features.
Print media art is essentially types of promotion used to promote a game such as posters and game box art. This is what really shows off a game to the public and makes people want to buy it.
This is the game cover for aliens vs predator, it uses a bright green and black colour scheme and has logos along the bottom of developers, publishers and license holders. On the bottom left there is an age rating 'Mature 17+'. This tells people the sort of game it is if it has an age rating like that and that is was meant for people of the age of 17 and over.
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Killer Klowns from outer space Plot
Killer Klowns for Outer Space
– Couple man
– Couple Women
– Cop
and Paul Terenzi – Ice Cream Men/Brothers
Couples on a hill see a Comet
flies over an area in America and lands. Old man goes to check it out but he
finds a circus tent. Dog gets taken inside the tent whilst the old man isn’t looking.
Clown finds the old man and shoots him with a ray gun. A Couple from the hill
go to the comet site and find a circus tent. The Couple enter the circus and it
looks weird inside. They find a door and realise it is not a circus as they
enter a big room. They then realise the circus tent is the comet they found.
They then enter a room filled with candy floss hanging with bodies inside, then
they get chased by a clown around the circus tent.
Clowns then chase after them with
a dog made from a blue balloon. They run back to the car they arrived in and
get out of the forest. Clowns begin to head to the city of Crescent cove where
the car headed. Couple head to the police station, the women in the couple knows
a friend at the police station and they go to tell him.
The clowns have a puppet show
at a park gazebo and a man comes along to watch, clowns then destroy the gazebo
and shoot the man and make him a cotton candy gazebo. Another clown at a drug
store turns 2 girls into cotton candy as it destroys the store. The rest of the
clowns go round handing out love presents and turning them into candy floss cocoon.
The cop and the couple drop
the women off then they go up to where the circus was and find out it is not
there anymore, the man gets arrested and they then drive off, coming across an
empty car with its hazard lights on. The cop then finds some candy floss on a
car next to the empty car and it is covered with candy floss inside, the cop
finds some cracked glasses inside. The man concludes that a guy up on the hill
is dead as that is his glasses. There is a stubborn police officer and he gets
many calls about clowns however ignores them as he thinks they are false.
At the women’s house, the
popcorn proceeds to move around and at a burger place, a clown puts popcorn
inside a bin, a worker comes along putting rubbish inside the bin but gets
eaten inside the bin by the popcorn. The cop car pulls up to a clown and
watches as it eats a bunch if people get eaten. The cop radios in to the
stubborn cop but he still doesn’t listen about the clowns. They then see an ice
cream van which is owned by friends of the man. The man and the ice cream men go
to the women’s house.
The stubborn police officer
then sees a clown walk into the station and puts the clown into a cell, the
clown then chokes the officer. The other cop then returns to the station to see
lots of unanswered calls and then goes into the jail room to see foot prints
all over the wall and a cocoon in the back of a cell, as the officer checks the
cocoon, an arm hangs from the roof, it is another cocoon, the cop walks back
into the room with the unanswered calls to see the clown make the stubborn
police officer into a puppet. The clown gets up and starts to walk over to the
officer but as the clown walks over, the cop shoots at the clown but as he
takes his third shots to the clown’s nose and finds his weakness as the clowns
are their weakness.
Then as the ice cream van is
on its way to the women’s house, they bump into a clown parade killing people
and turning them into cocoons. The ice cream van turns around and drives off.
As the women is getting out the shower, she sees the popcorn has turned into
clowns with long necks. Next the clowns begin to attack her and put her inside
a ball. As the ice cream van arrives to the women’s house, a clown car takes
off with the ball with the women in, then the ice cream van chases after it
with the cop who helped them earlier, they stop and the cop car then gets
damaged so the cop gets in the van.
The cop tells them to get into
the van and drive to the amusement park. The clowns arrive and melt a guard
with custard pies and enter the ‘CRAZY
HOUSE’, the ice cream van then arrives and they all enter as well. They
walk through the crazy house and hear sounds, the two ice cream men then get
dropped into a ball pit with clown children. The cop and the man then enter the
cocoon room looking for the women but have to hide as they watch a clown come
in and drink a cocoon. They then find the women and they begin to get out but
clowns come in so they can’t save anyone else but now get chased through the
circus tent by the clowns whilst the cop shoots a few whilst the get chased.
They then get corned in a room full with clowns with melee weapons then the ice
cream truck bursts through the door. The ice cream truck starts acting like a
good and distracts the clowns, then they run off. Shortly after, an oversized
clown falls from the ceiling and destroys the ice cream truck, then it begins
to chase after the cop whilst the couple run off.
The couple get outside the
tent whilst it flies up into the air, shortly after they escape, the over-sized
clown then gets its nose popped by the cops badge as it picks him up and he
gets an arm free. As the clown dies, the tent then blows up. The cops then
arrive after it blows up and they meet up with the couple, when it blows up, a
clown car lands near the cops and the couple, the cops then aim at the car and
the door opens, the cop appears and then the two ice cream men appear as well.
The ice cream men explain that they survived in the ice cream freezer.
The End
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
ETHICS: Impact of computer games on society
Concerns such as:
Excessive play time - When going from gamer to gamer, Gamers who play consistently is a different as different gamers play for different amount of times. I myself can play up to eight hours a day when I am not at school however school days I will play up to four to five hours a day. Some gamers can play for longer such as twelve to sixteen hours where as some may do it for an hour or two. According to scientists, have long game hours or having an excessive play time may lead to a 'Gaming Addiction' which is hard to take breaks from. This addictions has been classed by doctors as a real mental disorder, Doctors classify as this because during a gaming session, if a gamer was to achieve something or won a game or something, Dopamine would be released giving them that pleasurable feeling of satisfaction. The head of one software company said "In the hypothetical world created by such games, they become confident and gain satisfaction, which they cannot get in the real world."
Social Isolation - This isn't true for every gamer, hell it isn't true for MOST gamers, this is a rare thing to see from a gamer, Social isolation is when you completely lock yourself out from society like the hermits us gamers are and refuse to talk to anyone whether it be online or in real life. Bringing back the addiction we all know to love, this can be a side effect of it as you will feel like you just want to play more and more, "oh just a couple minutes more and then i'll hang out" and then BOOM. You do an all nighter and completely forget about your friends, Great friend you are. Essentially what I am trying to say that it is scientifically proven that gaming addictions can lead to you being put off of the subject of the matter that your friend, family or partner has brought up so you completely ignore it and carry on gaming.
(source : http://www.video-game-addiction.org/social-consequences.html)
Cost - Now when we hear cost we immediately think of finances however cost can also mean a loss of something. A few issues with gaming that can be counted as a 'Cost' is the cost of you mental and physical health, gaming gives you stress, can cause an increase in laziness such as lack of hygiene and it can aslo make people have a lack of sleep.
(source : http://www.video-game-addiction.org/social-consequences.html)
Cost - Now when we hear cost we immediately think of finances however cost can also mean a loss of something. A few issues with gaming that can be counted as a 'Cost' is the cost of you mental and physical health, gaming gives you stress, can cause an increase in laziness such as lack of hygiene and it can aslo make people have a lack of sleep.
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